Smartsound ‘WITHaPET’ won the European Fressnapf Group Innovation Award
10월 31, 2022
Smartsound’s stethoscope for companion animals, a company specializing in smart stethoscopes, was recognized for its technology by receiving the ‘Innovation Award’ from Europe’s largest companion animal company.
According to related industries on the 31st, Smartsound announced on the 27th that its artificial intelligence (AI) stethoscope ‘WITHaPET’ for companion animals won the ‘2022 Innovation Award’ from Fressnapf Group, a European companion animal franchise company. Fressnapf Group has about 1,400 stores in 12 European countries and is the largest companion animal-related company in Europe with sales of 4.3 trillion won last year.
Smartsound’s WITHaPET is a product that applies smart stethoscope technology and is a smart stethoscope for animals that can be linked with the system of a veterinary hospital. Heart and lung sounds, heart rate and respiration rate of companion animals can be measured in real time, and auscultation data can be recorded through a dedicated app and transmitted through EMR system linkage.
In addition, the AI diagnosis service for canine cardiopulmonary disease will be provided sequentially around the world from January next year. It plans to provide a diagnosis service by providing veterinary hospitals and companion animal platform operators with a solution that can automatically analyze and diagnose heart disease, one of the causes of death in small senior dogs, with artificial intelligence (AI).